Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Supper Time

Well this is where the chow is being cooked. Today on the menu we will be having Cowboy Stew ,Bread or Crackers, Ice Tea, and Some type of Little Debbie for desert. As you can see Ole Bill is chowing down on the stew. Cowboy Stew is always a good meal oat the camp site weather your hunting,fishing,are just camping out. It is also a good body warmer also and you can feed a few people at a time with it. Well as you can see Ole Bill has had plenty to eat and it looks like he is headed to the tent or outback to the restroom. Until next time take a kid fishing.

Setting Out Our Lines

Well , were back from setting out our limb lines and Bill is cutting up bait for the next run. While he is cutting up the bait I see he had his lines out the back of the boat. Now he is threw cutting up bait he is getting in some rod and reel time . It looks like he is getting a bite on one of his lines. Yelp he's on now let's wait and see what on the other end of the line. Well he as got it in and it is about a 2 lb'er( and the batteries are dead in my cam ) well that is a start on catching some fish. Well ole Bill set there about another hour and did not get a bite. Now it's time I go and start supper and what shall I fix,Tune in to the next chapter and see what is for supper . Talk to you soon and in the meantime take a kid fishing.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Well y'all set back and dream that you are on the river and just listen to the birds,leaves blowing in the breeze and the sound of running water OH what a joy it is. This is a pretty wide spot in the river it is about 3 to 4 hundred yards wide and it was swift. Well now that we have the camp set up it is time to go and est lines and fish a while. So y'all enjoy the scenery while we go and try to catch a big ole boy. Talk soon and in the mean time take a kid fishing.

Our Camp Site on the Alabama River

Well I am back to do this project I have been canning things out of the garden for the last two weeks and it has wound down. I still need to get the peas in but there not quite ready now,maybe in two to three days and then I'll be threw with the canning and get back to fishing. Here are some pic's of our camp when we went on the Alabama River fishing for a few days. We were up on a bluff about ten feet above the water and had a great view of the river there. We also had a great breeze there and it kept them buzz saws off us also. It is so great to live in a place where you can be in five different river within twenty min. That is what I call a fisherman's paradise. Well I will close for this print and post some more pic's and write a little more. Have a great day and take a kid fishing.